Putting people first is one of the core tenets of leadership at Cox. It’s a mantra that was a guiding light for Jim Kennedy during his time as chairman and CEO of Cox Enterprises, and it continues to drive him today.
Jim created and personally funds the Jim Kennedy Scholarship Fund to help Cox employees provide for their most important investment: the future of their children.
The fund provides 15 new scholarships each year in the amount of $10,000 to select high school seniors entering their first year of college. If the students maintain their eligibility requirements, they can renew for a total of four years.
The program is open to any high school senior whose parent has worked at a Cox company full time for at least three years.
Each year, an independent committee selects 15 scholarship recipients based on financial need and demonstrated commitment to personal growth. Since its inception, the fund has awarded 170 scholarships, totaling $6.8 million.
“This scholarship has given me a sense of relief knowing that I won’t be struggling after college in extreme debt. Instead, I can focus my time after college on expanding my career and building a brand rather than strictly working to earn money and pay off debt,” said Emma Thurston, daughter of Cox Automotive team member Forrest Thurston and recipient of the scholarship in 2019.
One of the most remarkable aspects of our 125-year history is that Cox remains a family business. Our founder’s vision and values now span four generations, a rare feat only 3% of family businesses achieve. And a huge part of our company’s story — why and where we are today — is due to the leadership of Jim Kennedy, chairman emeritus of Cox Enterprises and chairman of the James M. Cox Foundation. These are only a few of the significant accomplishments Jim has achieved.