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How the Cox Employee Relief Fund Helped Janelle Dompierre

Janelle Dompierre Cox employee headshot

When the unexpected happens, the Cox Employee Relief Fund (CERF) helps ensure that Cox employees have the help they need.


Janelle Dompierre had been working for Cox Automotive in Fort Myers, Florida, for two months when Hurricane Ian tore through her home, wiping away everything she had.

After living in Florida for only three months, Janelle had to move into a two-bedroom apartment, sharing space with 12 other people.  

She sought aid from the Cox Employee Relief Fund (CERF), which helps employees and their families during difficult times when personal funds, insurance and federal aid don’t cover what is needed.

CERF provides financial assistance for unexpected hardships caused by:

  • Natural disaster
  • Illness or injury affecting the employee and their family
  • Passing of a loved one
  • Loss of employment of a spouse or domestic partner
  • Sale/foreclosure of a home being rented

“When I found out CERF was able to provide me with financial assistance, I was in pure shock, even emotional,” Janelle said. “To think there are people, funds and an organization that cares that much about people is surreal.”

CERF covered the cost of food, furniture and some home repairs for Janelle, who has contributed to CERF herself.

“CERF was my first real impression of what kind of company I am working for — one that truly takes action in time of need, lends a hand and ensures safety and comfortability in their employees,” she said. “I encourage everyone who is able to support CERF.”

CERF was created in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina as a way for employees to help coworkers and their families. Donations from the Cox community last year helped CERF raise $400,000 and distribute more than $1.2 million to help 129 families recover after a natural disaster, 177 employees offset expenses from an illness or injury, 73 families cover funeral expenses or travel to attend a funeral and 76 employees affected by Hurricane Ian. We love working together to ensure that our friends and colleagues have support when they need it most.


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